For YEARS i've been trying to figure out how to get this filter on my computer, but i never had any luck. well... you can buy the filter in ANY computer or camera shop, but i wanted to find someone willing to trade a bag of weed for the filter... thats what took years to find, but i FOUND it!! Let me tell you, it was well worth the wait!! on the FIRST video grab i did of what LOOKS to be a normal everyday business type guy getting CREAMED by an elderly woman running the red, i found something amazing that might just make you look at security footage in a new light. check the process...
Security Cam Screen Grab.
Highlighted area to be "enhanced".
Low res cropping of security cam screen grab.
enhanced x 1
enhanced x 2
enhanced x 3
would you look at THAT!? Turns out our stuffy ass white bread ass business man is REALLY a stoney ass mother-fucker like the rest of us!! keep up the good work buddy and keep sticking it to the man!