Myself, Kyle Green (wise beyond his years) along with friend of Dank Nuggzz, Ben Raemers just finished watching M. Night Shamaleezies "THE HAPPENING", good movie, great actually. i would suggest you rent it (or take an after-hours trip to the trash bin behind Hollywood Videos that you and your inside man at Hollywood Video dicided on as the drop off spot for a top secret changing of hands or THE HAPPENING Blue Ray disk), but i did some digging on the internet to find out more about this movie and as it turns out, the film is a FAR cry from the early version M Night had made. The Hollywood "Fat Cats" thought ill of his first version and wanted it changed to appeal to the general public, but i have a feeling old George W. Bush had a LOT to do with it, here is whats up...
Basically, the movie is EXACTLY the same, except it all takes place in a giant grow room about 35 miles outside the New York city limits. Don't believe me?! well have a look at the oraginal movie poster and decide for yourself. FUCK Hollywood.