Sunday, June 21, 2009

Why HOLLYWOOD still sucks...

I try not to talk shit on HOLLYWOOD too much on here, i mean that would be like biting the hand that smokes you the FUCK out, see as how Dank Nuggzz is 100% funded by the HOLLYWOOD entertainment industry (thats right, the industry that provides entertainment for Hollywood, someone has to entertain the people that entertain you and i)... but ill get into all that another time.

Myself, Kyle Green (wise beyond his years) along with friend of Dank Nuggzz, Ben Raemers just finished watching M. Night Shamaleezies "THE HAPPENING", good movie, great actually. i would suggest you rent it (or take an after-hours trip to the trash bin behind Hollywood Videos that you and your inside man at Hollywood Video dicided on as the drop off spot for a top secret changing of hands or THE HAPPENING Blue Ray disk), but i did some digging on the internet to find out more about this movie and as it turns out, the film is a FAR cry from the early version M Night had made. The Hollywood "Fat Cats" thought ill of his first version and wanted it changed to appeal to the general public, but i have a feeling old George W. Bush had a LOT to do with it, here is whats up...

Basically, the movie is EXACTLY the same, except it all takes place in a giant grow room about 35 miles outside the New York city limits. Don't believe me?! well have a look at the oraginal movie poster and decide for yourself. FUCK Hollywood.