so many damn memories... so much information soaked up... such yummy Wendy's frosties consumed...
You know the Cayman Islands is where marijuana was first invented right? it was invented in 1904 by the late great Jimmy "thick dick" Moffman. i wont get into the details of how he invented the plant, but i will tell you this, the shack he invented it in is STILL standing!! rumor has it they are having the shack along with the remains of Moffman himself who is still in the shack exactly where they found him in 1932 curled up in the fetal position behind his glass recration of the egyptian pyramids being constructed by the Atliantians before time began! Anyhow, it was amazing to see the shack and Moffmans disgustingly decomposed corpse im real life! i bought postcards of the shack as it looked in 1932 when Moffman passed away from a rare form of deslexia. Grand Cayman Islands "the Land where Lovin' it began"
fuck you.