this thing is DOPE! X-ATV (Extreme ATV) tires, 100% REAL leather weed bag, the all new x-tina signature bong mounted to the stearing column, MASSIVE glass pack dual exhaust things, 28 gear crankshafter, solid gold bypass line, 4 speed fetser valve, the flag is woven from 50% human hair/50% hemp, and best of all... the solid green color, its NOT painted, 100 lbs of marijuana was steamed and then pressed to drain all the green pigmant from the marijuana DIRECTLY into the molten steel cauldron, dying the steel used in each and EVERY part of this machine marijuana GREEN!!! best part is that if you were to ever to find yourself in an emergency, you could file some steel svavings off your Segway and roll them in toilette paper and smoke your Segway!!! thew future is here friends... NOW!!
CLICK HERE TO ORDER NOW! it's Limited Edition so ACT FAST!! only 12 Million produced, these are expected to sell out fast.
also we broke the mold... not to keep more from being made, Kyle Green knocked it over durring one of his weed seizures.